The Shetland Gruffalo's Bairn
Translated by CHRISTINE DE LUCA. Illustrated by AXEL SCHEFFLER.
Da Gruffalo said dat nae gruffalo sud
Ivver set fit i da mirky wid.
But ee nicht o snaa da Gruffalo’s Bairn nivver leets whit her faider is telt her an tippers oot inta da caald. Eftir aa, der no sicca thing as da Muckle Mean Moose … is dere?
In 2015, following on from the huge success of James Robertson’s Scots translation of The Gruffalo, Itchy Coo published four dialect versions: the Orkney, Shetland, Doric and Dundee Gruffalos have all proved immensely popular as celebrations of the Scots language’s astonishing regional diversity.
Laureen Johnson’s Shetlandic version of The Gruffalo is now followed by Christine De Luca’s The Shetland Gruffalo’s Bairn. A cautionary tale about what happens when a small Gruffalo leaves the comfort of its cave and sets off into the dark wood on a wintry night, this is sure to be another big hit in Shetland and with Shetlandic speakers wherever they bide.
Product Details
Published: 11th October 2016
Format: Paperback 270x215mm
Extent: 32 pages
ISBN: 9781785300721
Christine De Luca grew up in Walls, Shetland, but has long been resident in Edinburgh. She writes in both English and Shetlandic, her native tongue. She has published six collections of poetry and one novel, and has been the recipient of many awards and prizes for her work. She is one of the founders of Hansel Co-operative Press which was established to promote literary and artistic work in Shetland and Orkney. In 2008 She has translated Roald Dahl’s novel Geordie’s Marvellous Medicine into Shetlandic as Dodie’s Phenomenal Pheesic. She currently holds the post of Edinburgh’s Makar (poet laureate).
Axel Scheffler is a German-born illustrator and animator based in London. He is best known for his cartoon-like pictures for children's books, particularly The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child, written by Julia Donaldson.
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