eBooks & Audiobooks

All eBooks and Audiobooks sold through the Black & White Publishing website are distributed via Glassboxx.

Please note that you will need to install the Glassboxx app to read or listen to your digital purchase, and eBooks cannot be read on a Kindle eReader.


Purchasing your eBook or Audiobook

To purchase an eBook or Audiobook of one of our titles, simply add the item to your cart and complete the checkout process on the Black & White Publishing website.

For any queries regarding payment, please contact: sales@blackandwhitepublishing.com


How to download your eBook or Audiobook

To listen to your audiobooks or read your eBooks you should use the Glassboxx app on your iOS or Android phone or tablet, and Windows or Mac computer.

If you already have Glassboxx on your phone, tablet or computer go to MY BOOKS to see your new purchases.

If you don't yet have the Glassboxx app, click the relevant link below to install it, and log in with the email address used for your purchase. The audiobooks and/or eBooks you've just bought will be displayed on MY BOOKS.

Download Glassboxx for iOS Download Glassboxx for Android
Download Glassboxx for Windows Download Glassboxx for macOS

For more information and FAQs about Glassboxx, please click here.

If you have any difficulties downloading your audiobook after publication, please contact glassboxxhelp@firstygroup.com.