Don't Be Afraid
FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF WATCH OVER ME, TAKE ME HOME AND SET ME FREEIn Glen Avich, Isabel is at her lowest point. Always a sensitive child, she has grown up in the shadow of her absent mother – who drowned herself when Isabel was two – and her hard, silent father. And now, as her axiety gets worse, she's no longer able to leave the house and she's losing the will to live, in spite of the deep, unwavering love of her musician husband Angus.
At a loss, Angus looks for a home companion for Isabel as he's often away on tour. Enter warm, wise Clara who seems to gain Isabel's trust immediately, as if they've known each other all their lives. Slowly and with Clara's help, Isabel begins the long hard walk out of the forest of her mind, as Clara helps her rediscover her love for Angus and her passion for art.
But there's a mystery surrounding Clara – an almost magical quality that leaves Angus baffled but allows Isabel to slowly trust again. Then, after an accident at home, Isabel stumbles, while someone who works with Angus is ready to exploit Angus' vulnerability in spite of his love for his wife. But sometimes you just need an angel to take you by the hand.
Product Details
Published: 19th January 2016
Format: Paperback 198x129mm
Extent: 256 pages
ISBN: 9781785300011
Daniela Sacerdoti is the bestselling author of the Glen Avich series of novels (Watch Over Me, Take Me Home and Set Me Free) and the Young Adult Sarah Midnight Trilogy. She was born and raised in Italy, before moving to Scotland for more than ten years. Daniela holds a degree in Classics from the University of Turin and has taught Italian, Latin and Greek. Her great uncle was the renowned Italian writer Carlo Levi. She has recently moved to Northern Italy with her family.
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