The MacLean family has more than their fair share of secrets. They live in a close-knit community on Glasgow's High Street and the men work on the railways. They're hard-working, ordinary, respectable people but, behind the facade, they are a family in crisis. Ruby MacLean has to face a personal crisis just as the Second World War is about to start. She's seventeen, pregnant and forced to marry Gerry Reilly, a railway worker whose main aim in life is drinking heavily whenever he can. As their daughter is born, Gerry joins up and heads off to war, leaving Ruby to cope alone with a new baby and a family falling apart at the seams. And when her mother dies and the family secrets start to unravel, Ruby has to find the strength to build a new life for herself and her daughter. Many years later, retired and living quietly by the sea, Ruby discovers there were more secrets in her family than she could ever have imagined. As she discovers the final pieces in her family jigsaw and uncovers a tale of secrets and lies that the could never have suspected, she's left reeling from shock.
Product Details
Published: 5th December 2010
Format: Hardback 234x156mm
Extent: 384 pages
ISBN: 9781845022907
Meg Henderson is the author of several books including Finding Peggy, The Holy City, Bloody Mary, Chasing Angels and A Scent of Bluebells. Meg has also worked on TV scripts and documentaries, and is still a journalist, writing for all the major newspapers. She has a deep interest in history and enjoys bringing it alive in her books, most of which are based on fact.
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