Sex, Sleep or Scrabble?
This is one of the funniest, rudest and most useful books you'll ever read. What questions would you ask a doctor at a comedy gig? Is it healthy to sleep with a pet? Is horse riding riskier that ecstasy? Do love eggs need to be fitted? Do unlucky beds exist? Do doctors ever pretend to hear noises with a stethoscope? Should I hand-wash my merkin? What's the best sexual position for losing weight? Has everyone had more sex than me? Should I have Scrabble before marriage? What should I do if someone dies on me during sex? GP and comedian Phil Hammond has collected two hundred and fifty of life's quirkiest queries from audiences across the UK. Open wide for the finest answers to the most bizarre questions, ranging from tongue in cheek to absolutely filthy...yet surprisingly useful.
Product Details
Published: 9th March 2010
Format: Paperback 198x129mm
Extent: 240 pages
ISBN: 9781845023027
Dr Phil Hammond is a doctor, comedian and commentator on UK health. He writes the Medicine Balls column for Private Eye and has starred in an acclaimed one-man show at the Edinburgh Fringe. Dr Phil regularly appears on Radio 4 in 28 Minutes To Save The NHS and The News Quiz and on television as captain in Channel Five's Tibs and Fibs and on BBC in Trust Me, I'm A Doctor, as well as being a regular guest on Have I Got News For You. Dr Phil lives in Chew Magna.
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