Dog Shaming
Our beloved pooches bring us a world of happiness. They're loyal companions, kindred spirits, and lifelong chums. But they also chew the stuffing out of the couch, keep us up all night with their barking and break into the fridge when we're not looking.Now it's time they own up to the world! And their side-splitting explanations and unapologetic confessions are sure to remind you just why pooches make the most wonderful, but sometimes infuriating, companions!
Loaded with real-life photographs of mischievous canines and hilarious commentary revealing just why they're in the doghouse, Dog Shaming will have you laughing out loud. The perfect tribute to man's best friend, this book is the ideal gift for anyone who has ever experienced the highs and lows of being a proud dog owner.
Product Details
Published: 31st October 2013
Format: Hardback 150x150mm
Extent: 96 pages
ISBN: 9781845026516
Susan McMullan is a fast-talking senior communications specialist and self-confessed grammar fiend. Born and raised in Broughty Ferry, she is a graduate of the University of Dundee. She is fluent in French but less au fait with writing about herself in the third person. Susan is married to a St Andrean and the couple live happily in the Auld Grey Toon with their not-so-famous but much-loved cat, Holly. Hamish McHamish of St Andrews – Cool Cat About Town was Susan's first book.
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