Mair Weegie Wan-Liners
Mair Weegie Wan-Liners is yet another culling by Ian Black, he of the many broken noses, of the casual insults, slanders and outright naked threats repeated in the haughmagandie-ridden howffs and haud-me-doons of his native city. You will laugh, you may well cry, you will repeat them, you will also learn to do a quick sidestep - or you may well find yourself the recipient of a faceful of dandruff. Use these words with care.
Product Details
Published: 10th March 2013
Format: Hardback 134x99mm
Extent: 160 pages
ISBN: 9781845027025
Ian Black is an author, playwright, journalist and broadcaster. He has written and compiled numerous bestsellers including Scotland vs England, Weegies vs Edinbuggers and Mancs vs Scousers.
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