The Almost Completely Ultimate Weegie Jokebook
If there's one thing that sets Weegies apart, it's our sense of humour. Come crisis time, we not only laugh in the face of danger, but we spit on its shadow, follow it around, and occasionally set about it. Take John Smeaton, the baggage handler who clobbered the Glasgow Airport terrorists. He showed the kind of heroism, down-to-earth decency and self-deprecating humour that we all aspire to, and it turned him into an instant worldwide icon. Mere hours after he'd banjoed the terrorists the jokes started. Some of them are in here. "This is Glasgow. We'll set about ye." Got the t-shirt yet? Bin Laden's got one. And he's not coming back, at least not on John's shift.As well as paying homage to El Smeato, "The Almost Completely Ultimate Weegie Jokebook" is a collection of stories, jokes and anecdotes about the thing that make us laugh - ourselves mostly. You are either on the Glesca bus or you're not.Welcome aboard.
Product Details
Published: 10th January 2007
Format: Paperback 198x129mm
Extent: 192 pages
ISBN: 9781845021818
Ian Black is an author, playwright, journalist and broadcaster. He has written and compiled numerous bestsellers including Scotland vs England, Weegies vs Edinbuggers and Mancs vs Scousers.
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