Grains of Truth
Scots journalist Jack Webster broadened his audience dramatically in the 1980s when he became the award-winning creator of highly personal documentary films for television. These films were based on two of his acclaimed volumes of autobiography - A Grain of Truth and Another Grain of Truth - which looked back on an eventful life stretching from his Aberdeenshire upbringing, including a moving portrayal of the last day on his father's farm at Maud, to a distinguished career in journalism.
A wonderfully evocative and entertaining account of life in the North-east of Scotland and beyond, these two Grains of Truth have now been brought together in one captivating volume. Whether describing his meetings with Charlie Chaplin, Muhammad Ali or the colourful local characters of his native Maud, Jack Webster writes with a warmth and humour that will be familiar to all those with whom he shared his thoughts, memories and experiences over many years in the pages of the Scottish Daily Express and The Herald.
Product Details
Published: 17th October 2013
Format: Paperback 198x129mm
Extent: 384 pages
ISBN: 9781873631379
Jack Webster is a world-travelled journalist, broadcaster and author of sixteen books and six television films. He was born and brought up in the Buchan village of Maud, where his father was the local auctioneer, and attended Robert Gordon's College from 1943 to 1946. His travels brought him interviews with household names from Charlie Chaplin, Bing Crosby, Sophia Loren and Ginger Rogers to Paul Getty, Muhammad Ali and those legendary composers of Broadway musicals, Irving Berlin and Richard Rogers. In 1996, Jack Webster was voted Bank of Scotland Columnist of the Year and UK Speaker of the Year. In 2000, he was given an honorary degree by the University of Aberdeen. A widower, he has three sons who are all journalists.
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